Thursday 29 May 2014

Visit to Daresbury Laboratories

There will be two visits to Daresbury Laboratories in the coming months. The daytime visit will be on Wednesday 27th August from 1 to 3 pm. The evening visit will be on Wednesday 12th November from 6 to 8 pm.

Both will involve a tour and a talk, but the daytime one will be about the labs and the evening one will be more of a star party.

Please contact the society to book a place.


Wednesday 25th June
Harold Knox-Shaw and the Helwan Observatory
Dr Jeremy Shears (BAA and Chester AS)

All meetings begin at 7.30pm. The full programme can be viewed here.


Last nights meeting was a change to the advertised programme as speaker Jim Wild was unable to attend, apparantly being up in the Arctic at the time.

Andrew Bate stood in at short notice to give a report on the Waverton Long Pendulum Experiment which he had been conducting at Waverton church making measurements of a 50 foot Foucault Pendulum he had hung there. This proved to be very intersting, and a good example of serious amateur science.

Thursday 1 May 2014


Wednesday 28th May
Weathering Solar Storms
Prof Jim Wild (Lancaster University)

All meetings begin at 7.30pm. The full programme can be viewed here.