Our next meeting will take place on 29th July 2020 at 1930 hours. This will be a “virtual meeting”, in as much as it will be held on the Zoom video-conferencing platform. Please note that you will need to provide your own internet access to attend the meeting as there will be no meeting or video-conferencing facilities at our usual venue, Burley Hall in Waverton.
The July meeting will comprise a lecture entitled “Going over galaxies with a fine-tooth comb” and it will be given by Dr Megan Argo, an astrophysicist and lecturer in astronomy at the University of Central Lancashire.
Megan will be giving an account of recent developments in radio astronomy, covering the transition from large single dishes, able to map the sky only at resolutions of degrees, to arrays of telescopes working together to create images with milliarcsecond resolution (1000th of 1/3600 of a degree). This powerful new capability is opening up new areas of research and enabling us to carry out large-scale studies which were impossible in the past.
Attendance at the lecture is open to all members of the Chester Astronomy Society. If you would like to attend, please contact the facilitator for the evening at : david.tillotson@btinternet.com