APRIL MEETING: The next meeting of CAS will be at 1930 hours on Wednesday, 28th April 2021. As usual (nowadays) the meeting will be held on Zoom.
The speaker is Professor Ian Morison, who has served as Emeritus Professor of Astronomy (Gresham College) and who continues to work at Jodrell Bank. His talk will be entitled "Astrophotography with a DSLR or mirrorless camera". Professor Morison has wide experience in observational astronomy and he will show that excellent photographic results do not require you to be situated at the top of a mountain in Chile nor plugged into Hubble !
If you would like to attend the meeting please send an e-mail to the society's Chair david.tillotson@btinternet. com and he will forward an invitation/link shortly before the meeting. Note that all meetings are for members who have now paid their membership fees.